In this world full of technological advancement and various social networking sites, it can be sometimes hard for you to find a good book to read. Therefore, if you are interested in reading one in your free time, here are the following ways that you could try so that you can find a book that will suit you the most.
Know exactly what you want
First things first, you should know exactly what you want. There is a wide variety of genres that you can choose from science fiction to teen fiction, adventure, fantasy, romance, general fiction, poetry, etc. You should also consider the names of authors whose books you’ve enjoyed the most. It will give you an idea of the genres that you like the most.
Or perhaps you wanted to finish a series of the favorite novel that you had been looking forward to. Create a list of the things that you like and don’t like about a book. It will help you to get started and choose the book that best suits what you want.
Search books in your house
Maybe the book that you had been looking for is gathering dust at the back of the cabinet or had been used as a display in your bookshelf? Start searching for books in your house. It’s a good start for you because, in every house, there is always someone who owns a couple of good books. And the good news is that you don’t spend a single penny in looking for the book that suits you the most because it’s free and you have easy access to it.
Ask for recommendation
Sure enough, you have one or two bookworms in your social group. Do not be afraid to ask someone for the personal recommendation about books to read. They will most likely recommend their favorite book. Just ask them why they think it’s a good book but don’t let them spoil you on the content. You can borrow the book from them or buy your own copy. What’s important is that you now have something to look for and read afterward.
Jot down best-selling novels
In newspapers or magazines, there is always a section that provides the list of the best-selling novels in the current year. Jot down titles of the books that have caught your attention as well as the author. It’s a good start if you don’t have someone to give you a personal recommendation on good books to read. Aside from that, you can rest assured that the novel is great because it wouldn’t make it to the top if it’s full of grammatical errors and predictable plot, right?
Consider joining a book club
Joining a book club will give you the advantage of knowing what’s hot on the book list today. You get to share your ideas with the fellow members of the club and discuss the book after you’ve read it. Aside from that, you have free access to the book because most members are more than willing to lend you their book just so you can read it and find out what your opinion about the plot, characters, twist, and even the author’s writing style could be.
These are some of the ways that you can try in order to find yourself a good book. Reading a book is never been enjoyable, especially if you really like where the story is heading and it gives you chill. Soon enough, you will find yourself engulf into a pile of books waiting to be read and discovered.